28 December 2008


Believe it or not, this is not a paid post. I just needed something to write about that had to do with fun ways to earn money without having to go out and get a job. This is something that I personally participate in...

Imagine a hot, summer day and you drink down a delicious, cold, iced super-chocolate mocha latte. You paid nothing for it. It's a tall cup, not a sample size. As you drink it down, you answer a few questions on a piece of paper. It's so good that you and several other people ask for more. When you are finished they pay you $80 in cash!

Oh, yeah! This is the good life!

You are probably familiar with those annoying people at the mall - the ones with clipboards that want to ask you questions and maybe pay you a dollar, if anything. I always avoided eye contact with them and rushed quickly by. They weren't on my schedule of what I was trying to accomplish that day.

Well, one day I got cornered, but I got out of it by getting a business card from one of them. I visited the website, just for the heck of it, and got signed up.

Every once in awhile I receive an email from JRA (J. Reckner Associates) and answer a few questions to see if I qualify for a product testing or focus group. Sometimes I qualify and sometimes I don't. If I do qualify, the email tells me more info and what it pays. If I am interested I pick a date and time to show up at their office (not the mall) and do product testing and get paid in cash at the end.

I think the lowest pay I ever received was $10 and that $80 latte story I told you about is TRUE! Last month they paid me $40 to eat yogurt. A few years ago they paid my daughter $10 to taste strawberry milk.

So, if you are interested in testing products, tasting food or being part of a discussion/focus group for pay, here's the info you need:

Offices in:
Montgomeryville and Philadelphia, PA
Mt. Laurel, NJ
Milwaukee, WI
White Plains, NY

You can sign up on their website: http://www.jraopinions.com/

If you do sign up, please re-visit this article and share what you did for your first assignment!

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