22 October 2008

Get Paid to Write for Snapbomb

Believe it or not you can get paid for writing advertisements - all in the comfort of your home, while wearing your jammies! Remember those short essays you wrote back in high school? It's that easy (or hard) but this time around you get PAID. You won't get rich but with a few projects under your belt you can fill your pockets with some spending money and I know we can also use more of that.

Back in the "old days" advertising was done in the newspaper or on TV. There was also word-of-mouth aka "buzz." Did you know that the very first Star Wars movie (Episode 4) that came out in May 1977 used "buzz marketing" only! There were no tv trailers, no commercials, just word-of-mouth.

Thanks to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, we now have PC's and, eventually, got the Internet. Companies now use blog marketing and blog advertising. If you have a blog, these companies need you to be their advertising media. They need you to get the word out about their products, services and events and they are willing to pay you.

This is how it works- a company contacts SNAPBOMB with assignments. All you have to do is write a little diddy for them and get paid. The money varies and what you get paid depends upon two things - the value of the article itself...and your blog's value as a source of advertising.

Newer blogs or ones with few readers/hits earn less than blogs are more established and get higher traffic. Having a good, strong match between your blog's theme and the ad are in your favor. As your blog matures and gets increased traffic, your assignments will generate higher pay. If you are a newbie, don't get discouraged. Everyone has to start somewhere!

If you are interested in some extra money, visit http://www.snapbomb.com/bloggers.html?acp=7551 and get yourself set up. Tell them about your blogs and start writing! Soon you can tell everyone you are a paid writer!


Rachele Bennett said...

Nice work. Hopefully you'll get some referrals. I enjoyed the other blogs as well. Very informative.

Liz said...

Thanks for the encouragement!